SATURDAY, October 23, 9 AM-12 PM

On Saturday, October 23, 2021, the Alice Paul Institute at Paulsdale in Mt. Laurel will host a site clean-up day. The day is a part of fall maintenance for the site to prepare the grounds for the coming winter. The 6.5 acres of land are home to Paulsdale, childhood home of Alice Stokes Paul and National Historic Landmark. Today, the Alice Paul Institute honors Alice’s legacy by maintaining the site, offering heritage and girls’ leadership development, and advocating for the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment. Interested in volunteering? Put your contact information in the interest form below for updates! 

For those interested in volunteering, please note the following: 

  • All volunteers should wear long pants, long socks, long sleeves, and close toed shoes. If you have access to gardening or work gloves, please bring them with you. If not, they will be provided for you. A large portion of site work needs to take place in an area of the site that was cleared of brush and treated for poison ivy. Down branches, as well as what is left of small shrubs and trees will be taken to the curb.
  • API has a number of lawn tools on-site (leaf rakes, metal rakes, some long-handled loppers, and two wheelbarrows. If you have access to any of the following tools, and feel comfortable using them, please consider bringing them with you to maximize the work we can accomplish:
    • Additional long-handled loppers
    • Additional wheelbarrows for moving brush to the foot of the driveway
    • Truck with empty truck bed to assist with moving brush to the foot of the driveway
    • Chainsaw for cutting down small trees and low hanging limbs
  • The day will involve light, medium, and some heavy manual labor, to be assigned based on ability and availability.
  • The terrain at Paulsdale is predominantly grassy with some areas being more uneven than others, with a gravel driveway. 
  • There is a first-floor bathroom that meets accessibility standards. 
  • We ask that all volunteers wear masks and adhere to the social distancing guidelines per CDC guidelines
  • If you need a letter regarding your volunteer hours, one can be provided.  
  • Please note that you do not need to show up exactly at 9 AM to participate, but if all work is completed early, we will wrap for the day.  

Interested in serving as a lead volunteer? The Alice Paul Institute is asking community members with the time and willingness to be lead volunteers for the clean-up efforts on Saturday, October 23rd. All lead volunteers would be asked to come out to Paulsdale on Tuesday, October 12th 9 AM – 10 AM to walk through the site with a staff member to review goals for the clean-up. If you’re interested in being a lead volunteer, please indicate your interest in the form below.

Possible tools include: your own gardening gloves, loppers, hedge trimmers, small chainsaws with personal safety equipment, leaf blower, wheelbarrow, pick-up truck to assist in hauling cleared material to the curb, etc.
As a lead volunteer we ask that you come out to the site on Tuesday, October 12th 9 AM – 10 AM to review the work plan for the Saturday, October 23rd clean-up.
Please note: Photos may appear on API social media and in other marketing materials.