U.S. Quarter-Dollar Coin Redesign: Nominate Alice Paul
Nominate Alice Paul to be on the Quarter
The act allows up to five coin designs per year and will feature women who have made significant contributions to U.S. history across a number of fields and categories—one of which is suffrage.
As the architect of some of the most outstanding political achievements on behalf of women in the 20th century, there is perhaps no better a woman to nominate than Alice Paul (1885-1977), a leader in the fight for women’s suffrage and the author of the Equal Rights Amendment.
As the architect of some of the most outstanding political achievements on behalf of women in the 20th century, there is perhaps no better a woman to nominate than Alice Paul (1885-1977), a leader in the fight for women’s suffrage and the author of the Equal Rights Amendment.

A suffragist, political strategist, and lifelong activist for gender equality, Alice led a tireless effort to win women the right to vote. The founder of the National Woman’s Party (NWP), Alice drew renewed attention to the suffrage movement and pressured Congress to pass the 19th Amendment through a number of what were then viewed as radical tactics, including a massive women’s march up Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC the day before President-Elect Woodrow Wilson’s inaugural parade and public picketing of the White House.
After the 19th Amendment was ratified in 1920, Alice continued to advocate for women, championing an additional amendment to the Constitution for legally protected gender equality. She authored the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) in 1923 and spent the rest of her life fighting for its passage and advocating for women’s rights internationally.
Recommendations are now being accepted through the National Women’s History Museum in partnership with the U.S. Mint, the Smithsonian Institution American Women’s History Initiative, and the Bipartisan Women’s Caucus as consultants for the Circulating Collectible Coin Redesign Act of 2020.
Copy the following information and fill out the form linked below to nominate Alice!
Name: Alice Stokes Paul
Year of birth: 1885
Year of death: 1977
Fields: Suffrage, politics
Reason for inclusion: A suffragist, political strategist, and lifelong activist for gender equality, Alice Paul led a tireless effort to win women the right to vote and authored the Equal Rights Amendment.
Link to supporting material: www.AlicePaul.org
Copy the following information and fill out the form linked below to nominate Alice!
Name: Alice Stokes Paul
Year of birth: 1885
Year of death: 1977
Fields: Suffrage, politics
Reason for inclusion: A suffragist, political strategist, and lifelong activist for gender equality, Alice Paul led a tireless effort to win women the right to vote and authored the Equal Rights Amendment.
Link to supporting material: www.AlicePaul.org